Teaching by Tag: Culture
Christ and Culture, Part 2: God Created Them Male and Female
In order to follow Christ in the midst of a confused culture, we must stand firm in God’s design, teach biblical sexuality to the next generation, and maintain a heart of compassion for all people.
Watch / ListenChrist and Culture, Part 1: God Created Life
God created life and made man in His own image. In response, we are called to pursue Christ alone, fill our eyes with His light, and values others above ourselves.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church: Women in Ministry Supplemental Session
This video addresses additional aspects of women in ministry not covered in Part 5 or in the evening panel discussion.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 7: The Enemy’s Target on the Church
Because our enemy is at work through deceptive teaching, we must be students of the Word, embrace the flawed community of Christ, and live in disciplined freedom.
Watch / ListenBefore the Throne: Every Nation, Tribe, People, and Language
To reach those from a different ethnic or cultural background, we must choose to cross the divide, be a student of others, and move toward spiritual conversations. When in doubt, love them first.
Watch / ListenThe Story of Jephthah: The Cautionary Tale of a Tragic Hero
Selfish ambition can be disguised as spiritual ability, though sinful people are used to accomplish God’s sovereign purposes. Syncretism has serious consequences, and salvation is only found through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenStanding Alone
We are called to follow our Lord Jesus, even if no one is standing with us. Standing alone means knowing that Christ lives in us, so that we speak and live in the truth.
Watch / ListenGod’s Creation, God’s Design
Walt Heyer shares the story of how the redemptive and transformative power of Jesus Christ changed the direction of his life.
Watch / ListenNeglected But Essential: Jude
The church must be secure in her stand for Christ, not with swords drawn in the highways and byways of political debates and social causes, but it must be steadfast in the battle for its very existence as “light” and “salt.”
Watch / ListenNeglected But Essential: 2 John
How do we guard against false teaching and maintain doctrinal purity? By speaking the truth in love as we abide in the teaching of Christ and walk according to His commandments.
Watch / Listen