Missions Committee Update – Annual Review
On March 9, the missions committee at Reston Bible Church completed an annual review of all international missionaries (workers that serve cross-culturally) that RBC supports.
This review involved sending questionnaires to 60+ singles/family units to help assess how their ministries are progressing and any needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) they may have. Their answers are reviewed by each member of the committee to identify areas of encouragement or concern and how we can best continue to support our missionaries on the field.
Here is the breakdown of the types of international missionaries that RBC supports as a percentage of the RBC International Missions Budget:

Some highlights from this meeting:
- We were able to increase support for 6 missionaries that have been consistently under-supported.
- We were able to give out thousands in one-time gifts to help with ministry needs, medical needs, and personal needs.
- We are seeing major advances in using AI for Bible translation, which is helping to reach new people groups with the Gospel in their heart language.
- One missionary family is excited to see the final edits and checks for a newly completed Bible translation.
Additionally, multiple missionaries reported church plants initiated, churches planted, new baptisms and new contacts with people open to studying the Bible and hearing about Jesus. A few specific reports include:
- Israel – new house church started in city where there is no Christian presence
- Indonesia – church planted in Jakarta
- Italy – an evangelical church plant started in Rome
- Ethiopia – thousands saved, over 200 church plants initiated with 26 growing into fully-functioning churches; gospel going to 12 unreached people groups
- India – Church planted in Delhi
- Turkey – a new church plant launched in Antalya
- Lebanon – baptized four disciples (3 from Muslim background)
Many missionaries reported their church plants are sending people on missions outreach trips to preach to non-believers. There were many more examples of mentoring and discipleship taking place to train both pastors and church members to rightly divide the Word of Truth and put it into practice.
We also spent time in small groups in prayer for specific needs that our missionaries reported. In general terms, we see a lot of struggles with physical needs (cancer, stress, parenting/family issues, aging parents, deaths of family/close friends), country access (issues with green cards, visas, civil unrest), ministry in war/conflict areas, and discouragement related to hardness of heart towards Christ and the Gospel. Please pray with us that our missionaries would be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, and that God would supply all of their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Thank you, RBC, for your generosity and heart to reach the nations!
Gabe and Bethany Cropsey, on behalf of the RBC Missions Committee.