Celebrating Generosity: Gurbet Bible Translation Update
Celebrating Generosity: Young Adults Service Trip
Celebrating Generosity: Kids Camp 2023
Celebrating Generosity: Banyala Luke Translation Complete
Imagine Zero is an initiative by The Seed Company to end Bible poverty around the world. There are over 2,000 people groups that do not have a single verse of Scripture in a language they can understand.
In October of 2019, Reston Bible Church partnered with The Seed Company, which currently works with 120 partner organizations and 1,555 local ministries and churches to help bring God’s Word to the Bibleless. As a church, we adopted the translation of the book of Luke into the heart language of the Banyala people in Kenya. When we introduced the project last year, within a few short weeks, all 1,151 verses of the book of Luke were “adopted” by RBCers at $35 per verse.
Now, one year later, the Banyala people now have the book of Luke completely translated into their heart language. By the grace of God at work through your generosity, copies of Luke’s gospel are now being printed and distributed to the Banyalan people. Please continue to pray for the Banyala people, that as the Word of God goes forth, it will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

Other specific prayer requests from the field include:
- May God continue uplifting those involved in bringing the Bible closer to the people.
- Thank God for a good translation team that will eventually see the New Testament fully drafted.
- Pray for God to give sobriety and self-control to the young people. Since people now spend much of their time at home because of COVID-19, there is a great deal of strain upon families. Many relationships have been impacted negatively, and with the schoolchildren all at home, there have been a lot of teenage pregnancies. The team prays that their translation of the Bible into the local language will help alleviate problems caused by the stress of the pandemic.
- Praise God that although the impact of COVID-19 varies from project to project, all translation teams have been able to continue their work. Travel restrictions have redirected responsibility for staying on schedule more directly to translation teams and communities, who have accepted even greater ownership of the work.
- Praise God that the closing of churches due to COVID has encouraged family worship, and many believers are now reading and studying the Bible for themselves.
- Pray for the pastors and ministers. Many churches have experienced a decrease in offerings and tithes, and some churches are unable to pay their pastors. Please pray for them as they continue to minister to the people in their care.
The video above is the update given in services last Sunday and includes a word of thanks from Nyanjugu Githui, the field project manager. In the video below, Banyalan translator and pastor Fred Egessa shares how translating the book of Luke impacted him personally.
Celebrating Generosity: Community Blood Drive
Daddy-Daughter Dance Update
On the evening of March 3, our facility was transformed into a medieval castle for the “Fair Maiden’s Ball,” our annual Daddy-Daughter dance.
The event was sold out! The princesses, accompanied by dads, grand-dads, uncles, and family friends, were welcomed at the door by their hosts, the king, and princess Bela, and treated to an evening of royal crafts, desserts, and a whirl in the royal ballroom. A good time was had by all. Kings and princesses alike were encouraged in their relationship with one another as well as with Jesus, the King of kings.
If you missed the Ball, do not worry. You can get a dad and daughter date passport from the Quest desk (in the RBC Children’s Ministry area) and begin to prepare for next year’s event. A special thank you to the Lady Hannah Huthwaite and her team of royal volunteers for a spectacular event!
VIDEO: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief – Day 2
VIDEO: Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief – Day 1
Celebrating Generosity: Hurricane Relief
After the devastation left by several hurricanes this year, Reston Bible Church engaged in relief efforts in Texas and Puerto Rico, providing manpower and supplies. Here’s a brief update from two trips. If you’re interested in future relief trips, please contact Dale Peak.
Celebrating Generosity: Youth Winter Retreat
Here’s a quick update from Pastor Aaron Osborne on this year’s Youth Winter Retreat and how your generosity is impacting the lives of students for the glory of God. Thank you for being a generous church.