Blog Posts by Wayne Johnson

ForWord College Send-Off

The summer is flying by all too fast, it seems. Before we know it, our college students will be off and immersed in their studies.  For some, it’s back to it or a 2nd, 3rd or 4th year and for others its their first time setting foot on a college campus.  We at ForWord, our young adults ministry here at Reston Bible Church, would like to express our love and care for our college students. Coming up on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 from 7-9 p.m. we are inviting all college students and their parents to come and join us for an evening of worship prayer and (of course) pizza.

We hope this will be a great opportunity for our college students to meet each other and perhaps begin to build relationships with others who will be attending their university, etc.  Most importantly, we want to pray for our students  that evening – and continue to do so throughout the entire year.  We believe in the power of prayer, and we invite you to be praying for our college students as well.


A Note from Our New Young Adults Pastor

My name is Wayne Johnson and I have recently been hired as the Young Adults Pastor here at Reston Bible Church. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what is currently going on in this ministry.

First, as a new pastor at RBC, let me share just a little about myself. My wife Julie and I were married December 21, 1985, and together we have 4 children. Two have recently graduated from college and two are currently attending college.  Julie essentially grew up attending RBC, so when we were married, I was introduced to the church at that time.  Consequently, we have been a part of the RBC family for quite some time.  In recent years the Lord has done a deep and marvelous work in our personal lives.  (For more on that, you are welcome to view this video.)

Second, who are young adults at RBC?  That is a great question, and here is how I answer that; anyone who is out of high school, usually that is about 18 years of age, up to, (and this is where it may be a little tricky, because I am finding out people vary on when they think someone is no longer a young adult) oh, 30-35 something? We seek to minister to all in that age bracket whether single, married, with children, without children, single parent, etc. Whatever stage of life you are in, you are welcome.

Julie and I are very excited about what the Lord is doing and we believe He is going before us as we seek Him for wisdom and guidance regarding what He wants for the young adults at RBC.  Currently, the Lord is bringing together a number of men and women with a heart to serve in this ministry.  As Julie and I meet with these people, we are seeking the Lord for direction, ideas and all kinds of ways in which He would lead us to follow Him in making disciples of all nations and what that means for this specific group of people at RBC.

We believe that sometime in November 2011 we will launch an all-new young adults ministry.  Please stay tuned for more updates in the near future.  In the meantime please be praying for us.  This is a crucial time, as we need the Lord’s wisdom to build a ministry on a firm foundation.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wayne Johnson
Young Adults Pastor

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For questions regarding Young Adult Ministries at RBC, please contact Wayne Johnson, Young Adults Pastor.