Sunday Rewind | 2.1.2015
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:4-5) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Only King Forever (1 Timothy 1:17) – Only King Forever by Elevation Worship
10,000 Reasons (Psalm 103:1) – Unrelenting Love by Nick Thurmond
Endless Light (Psalm 113:3-4) – Cornerstone by Hillsong
TEACHING: Sexuality & the Gospel, Part 3
As we engage the culture with the topics of sexuality & the gospel, it is not our place to hate or judge. The broken world is waiting to see salt & light combined with grace & truth.
- What was one thing you found particularly interesting, insightful, helpful or difficult to understand from this sermon? What have you taken away from this series as a whole?
- Why is it often so easy to judge others who are broken differently than we are?
- In regards to cultural engagement, do you tend to jump right in, or shy away? Why?
- Read Matthew 5:13-16. What do these verses tell us about human nature? What does this section tell us about God? What do they indicate about engaging with the culture around us?
- What is the significance of salt & light in these verses?
- How has God called you specifically to be salt and light in your personal spheres of influence?
- Read and discuss Matthew 7:1-5. What does this indicate about passing judgement? What is the context for proper judgement? Is there an area in your life where you need to apply this principal?
- Read and discuss Luke 18:9-14. What is Jesus telling us about sin and righteousness? How should we apply this as we engage with the culture around us?
- As you consider the topic of sexuality and the gospel, where do you need to grow in being salt & light with grace & truth? Is there someone you need to be salt & light to? Spend some time in prayer for this.