Volunteer in Jr. High

Who are we looking for?
In our ministry, our volunteers aren’t just people who like to serve, our volunteers are people who like to lead. We believe strongly in the presence of leaders in the lives of the next generation, so much so that as a volunteer for the Jr. High ministry, the students and staff will refer to you as a “leader”! Not only will you serve in giving your time, but in volunteering, you will step onto a mission field with the purpose to “follow me as I follow Christ.” Our ministry has a strong emphasis in developing relationships with students and walking with them in following Christ. If you would like to be a part of this mission, we encourage you to consider joining the Junior High Leader Staff.

There are several ways that you can be involved as a volunteer:

Table Leader

Reach out to new students and develop relationships with ongoing students by leading table discussions at our weekly Jr High Sunday Service. Sundays, 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Please email aaronosborne@restonbible.org if you are interested in serving as a table leader.

Small Group Leader

Lead a small group of students for weekly Bible Studies on Wednesday evenings. Materials like questions and icebreakers are provided each week in the Leader Guide. Small Groups are a time for our students to dive into Bible study with one another and develop deeper relationships, both with each other and with the leaders. Wednesdays during the school year, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Please email aaronosborne@restonbible.org if you are interested in serving as a small group leader.

Summer College Team

Are you a recent graduate of the RBC youth ministry and want to give back? If you are currently in your college/young adult years, we would love to have you to serve during the summer months June-August. Your serving opportunities entail various opportunities in the roles listed above. Please email marissamedina@restonbible.org if you are interested in serving on the Summer College Team.

Please email the staff member connected to the part of the ministry you are interested in serving. The next step is to set up a time to talk with you about your desire to serve in the ministry and get to know you. The final step would be filling out the Volunteer Application below. We look forward to meeting you and hearing about your hopes and desires for ministry. Please feel free to email aaronosborne@restonbible.org with any questions you may have.

Download the Volunteer Application