RBC Statement on Marriage
We believe that from the beginning of creation, God has uniquely designed and specifically instituted marriage as a covenant solely between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:18,20-24).
This design is affirmed in the New Testament by Jesus Christ (Matt. 19:4-6) as well as the Apostle Paul (Eph. 5:31). God declares, and the entirety of scripture confirms, that God has established the marriage of one man and one woman for the purposes of unique oneness and complementary blessing, providing a living example of Christ’s relationship with His bride, the church, and to enable and promote the procreation and rearing of children. (Gen.1:28; Gen.2:18,20-24; Eph.5:22-24).
Therefore, the pastors and staff of Reston Bible Church and its facilities, assets, and any property, whether real, personal or intangible, will only be utilized to perform, promote, support, and recognize such weddings and marriages as defined herein and shall not be used in any manner that would be or could be perceived by any person to be inconsistent with this Church’s Marriage Policy or the Traditional and Biblical Definition of Marriage. We believe this Church’s position is based upon God’s will for marriage as conveyed to us through the Holy Scriptures, upon which this Church has been founded and anchored, and this marriage policy shall not be subject to change in any manner that is contrary to marriage, as defined herein, through popular vote; referendum; prevailing opinion of members or the general public; influence of or interpretation by any government authority, agency, or official action; or legal developments on the local, state or federal level. All RBC ministries will support this definition for ministry purposes.